Prices from major car hire companies as well as smaller ones in Castellanza

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Car Rental & Rent a Car Deals in Castellanza

Here you can compare prices on rental cars in the town of Castellanza, region Lombardy, Italy. When you rent a car from us, there are no surprises awaiting you when you pick up the car on your arrival. Compare car rental companies like Thrifty, Budget, Europcar, Avis, Hertz, Sixt, etc. Prices include any airport fees, free mileage and obligatory insurances, taxes and fees etc. can help you find cheap rental cars online.

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Why should you book a car in Castellanza with!

  • All inclusive car hire prices. No hidden fees or booking fees.
  • Great deals & prices on long term renting and all types of cars, including luxury cars, automatic cars, van rental and mini vans.
  • All hire deals compared on include obligatory fees in your rental quote at the time of booking.
  • We have no hidden fees and vehicle damage insurance and theft insurance are included.

Top tips for renting a car in Castellanza

  1. Bring your own child- or booster seat. Some airlines allow booster seats to be carried free of charge.
  2. You can book and hire your car in Castellanza and return it somewhere else (one-way).
  3. Booking in advance is an advantage, you can do a comparison with and find the the best deals.
  4. Use your mobile phone and take pictures of the vehicle before you drive off from Castellanza.

Important information & car rental insurance

  • Check the car carefully for dents, scratches and cracks on the car.
  • Avoid the upsell at pick-up, you don't need it if you buy our rental car insurance.
  • Always take 5 to 10 minutes to review the car to verify any pre-existing damage.
  • Do not buy additional insurance coverage on site from the car rental company. Their insurance is more expensive.

Cheap car rental & rent a car in Castellanza - Compare prices before you book!

Easy and safe online booking for rental cars. Search for a city, airport etc. and choose a pick up location. The search will look for all types of models. Rental cars are available at Castellanza’s travel centre, train stations (Stazione di Raccordo X, Stazione di Legnano, Stazione di Busto Arsizio, Stazione di Busto Arsizio Nord, Stazione di Canegrate and Stazione di Parabiago) and airports like Milano Malpensa Airport, Vares-Venegono Airport, Milan Linate Airport and Il Caravaggio International Airport. Car hire where every cost is included, no hidden fees and free cancellations/amendments up to 24 hours before you pick up the car. We compare large companies as well as small and find the best price for all types of cars. Compare rental cars and renting of a vehicle from several companies in the town, Castellanza in Italy. To find the best price, we compare the following companies; Maggiore Amico Blu Legnano on Viale Pietro Toselli 46 Legnano, Movers Rent on Viale Don G Minzoni 67, Morini Rent Legnano on Via Saronnese 12 Legnano, Hertz Busto Arsizio Corso Xx Settembre 60 on Corso Xx Settembre 60 Busto Arsizio, Avis on Via Caprera 1 C Busto Arsizio, Europcar on Via Ragazzi del 99 7, Morini Rent Morini Point on Viale L Cadorna 48 Legnano.

Castellanza is located in the municipality Provincia di Varese, Lombardy region, Italy and is a town. Is a locality in the area. It is the 98th largest town/city when it comes to inhabitants in the region and the 609th largest city/district in Italy. Larger surrounding cities/communities are Milan (c. 1236800 pop), Monza (c. 119600 pop) and Bergamo (c. 114200 pop). About 14 200 (2015) people live in the town. Small villages, communities and suburbs nearby are Settimo Milanese, Concorezzo, Omegna, Somma Lombardo, Agrate Brianza, Samarate, Della via Fratelli di Dio, Prospiano, Borsano, Del Vacchè and Cascina Tangit II. Regardless of how long you are staying the town there are things to experience and do. The community/city is located about 216 MASL. We also give tips on which companies offer rental cars in Provincia di Varese.

Suggestions on attractions, museums, activities, events, experiences, places and destinations that are worth a visit during your trip to the town Castellanza. Exciting antiquities, cultural heritage, ancient relics and older buildings that could be worth seeing are Lagozza. Famous and interesting palaces, villas and mansions in the city are Villa Ottolini-Tosi, Villa Pomini, Palazzo Cicogna and Villa Corvini. Want to look at the domiciles of the city’s old rulers? Exciting castles such as, Il Castello di (Castle) Gornate Olona and Castello di (Castle) Legnano are located close to Castellanza. To watch and experience football, sports and concerts etc. you can visit Stadium Carlo Speroni.

Amusements parks, water parks and theme parks in and surrounding the city are Parco Avventura Rescaldina and Oplà Village. Statues and monuments of interesting historical events and people like Alberto da Giussano. Notable squares or large open spaces that are close by, Piazza Monumento, Piazza Carroccio and Piazza S. Magno. Are you planning a wine tour and tasting in Italy? Casa Vinicola Natale Verga are vineyards and wine producers close by. Park Alto Milanese, Park Platani, Park Ronchi and Park dell’Università are relaxing green areas, park and plantings if you want to relax and have a picnic on the grass.

A day at the museums and art galleries of the city? These are located in the central parts of the city at Museo Civico Guido Sutermeister. Interesting cathedrals or churches that are close by are Parrocchia Ss. Martiri, Basilica of San Magno and Chiesa Sant’Ambrogio. Golf trip and need to rent a car? Golf Green Club Lainate 12 km, Dilettantistica Barlassina Country Club 18 km and Golf Club La Pinetina 13 km are some golf courses that are close to the community.

Nearby destinations, Castellanza

Find the best car hire and cheapest car rental in airports nearby: Cheap rental cars Milan Malpensa Airport, Rent a Car Cheap Vares-Venegono Airport, Rent a Car Milan Linate Airport, Bergamo-Orio al Serio Airport and Turin Caselle Airport. Compare car hire for a day, long term, one year, a whole month, week, weekend or for as many days as you wish in Castellanza. Find the cheapest car rental & best car hire in nearby cities: Compare Car Hire Legnano, Van Rental Busto Arsizio, Cheapest Hire Cars Parabiago, Cassano Magnago and Nerviano. There are no hidden fees or free cancellations/amendments up to 24-48 hours before you are supposed to pick up the car in Castellanza. Rent a car in cities in the region: Compare Rental Cars Milan, Cheap Hire Cars Brescia, Hire a Car Monza, Bergamo and Como.

Car rental companies in Castellanza, Italy

When you are looking for rental cars we compare these companies Avis, Hertz, Europcar, Budget, Sixt and Thrifty. You can usually find the largest selection at airports such as Milan Malpensa Airport, Vares Venegono Airport, Milan Linate Enrico Forlanini Airport and Bergamo-Milan Orio al Serio Il Caravaggio Airport. The large companies usually have offices adjacent to the airport.

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